Photo album: Picture Gallery - - Online Mediaval Miniature Forum

album created by: Valdemar
Battle of Leignitz - by Mike Blank in 1/72 scale medieval
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album created by: Valdemar
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album created by: Valdemar
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album created by: Valdemar
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album created by: Valdemar
1/72 scale byzantine miniatures wargaming medieval 25mm
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album created by: Valdemar
And again some impressive work by Udo
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album created by: Valdemar
And next ship in progress...
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album created by: Valdemar
Album with work by David Kuehn
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album created by: Valdemar
A new albun with a new artist
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album created by: Valdemar
Miniatures 1/72 scale of 4 varangian guards form the byzantine imperial guard
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album created by: Valdemar
1/72 scale line up...
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album created by: Valdemar
And a new small 1/72 scale vignette by Master Udo.
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album created by: Valdemar
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album created by: Valdemar
Medieval miniature familiy, knight, 1/72 scale, 25mm, wargaming
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album created by: Udo spreng
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album created by: Udo spreng
19  Pictures
album created by: Valdemar
Templar by Udo
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album created by: Udo spreng
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album created by: Valdemar
Teutonic sergeant in the snow
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album created by: Udo spreng
14  Pictures
album created by: miles
Glaubensstreit zwischen christianisierenden Mönchen und deren Anhängern und einer Völva (Stabträgerin) und ihren Glaubensbrüdern und Anhängern des alten Glaubens. Der Herrscher und seine Berater stehe...
10  Pictures
album created by: miles
der Sieger des Turniers feiert Blumenbekränzt mit seinem Gefolge seinen Sieg vor den Logen des Adels und dem jubelnden Volk
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album created by: Udo spreng
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album created by: Udo spreng
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album created by: Valdemar
Alan Ball, skirmish between the order and russians
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album created by: Valdemar
24  Pictures
album created by: Valdemar
More Normans
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album created by: Valdemar
Medieval civilian miniatures
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album created by: Udo spreng
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album created by: Udo spreng
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album created by: Udo spreng
11  Pictures
album created by: Udo spreng
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album created by: Valdemar
New work in progress
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album created by: Valdemar
8  Pictures
album created by: Valdemar
Titel says it all
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album created by: Udo spreng
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album created by: Udo spreng
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album created by: Valdemar
40  Pictures
album created by: Udo spreng
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album created by: Udo spreng
5  Pictures
album created by: Udo spreng
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album created by: Udo spreng
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album created by: Udo spreng
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album created by: Valdemar
A new set of Normans
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album created by: Valdemar
Hi All,Udo did an amazing work painting this figure, and was awarded :)
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album created by: Valdemar
Some new work in progress
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album created by: Udo spreng
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album created by: Udo spreng
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album created by: Udo spreng
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album created by: Udo spreng
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album created by: Udo spreng
1  picture
album created by: Udo spreng
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album created by: Udo spreng
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album created by: Udo spreng
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album created by: Udo spreng
3  Pictures
album created by: Udo spreng
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album created by: Udo spreng
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album created by: Udo spreng
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album created by: Udo spreng
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album created by: Udo spreng
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album created by: Udo spreng
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album created by: Udo spreng
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album created by: Udo spreng
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album created by: RayCaruana
A tavern scene in 1:72
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album created by: Valdemar
First set for the Norman invasion...
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album created by: Valdemar
18  Pictures
album created by: Valdemar
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album created by: Valdemar
Some new figures...
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album created by: Valdemar
Work in progress
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album created by: Valdemar
A smal set of crusaders
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album created by: Valdemar
New set with Russians awaiting battle...
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album created by: Valdemar
A smal set with 4 mounted Russians
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album created by: Valdemar
Work on a diorama showing a raiding party heading back after attacking and plundering an enemy village.
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album created by: Valdemar
And another small set in progress
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album created by: Valdemar
Work has begun...
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album created by: Valdemar
A teutonic master and his banner carrier
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album created by: Valdemar
37  Pictures
album created by: Valdemar
Work has begun on the first masters for 2016
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album created by: Valdemar
And another set in progress, Danish Nobility
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album created by: Valdemar
And next set of Nordic knights in Progress.
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album created by: Valdemar
The English king running ashore with a small routine.
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album created by: Valdemar
And some more Scots
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album created by: Valdemar
The assault on the Spur, Isla, 15th July 1565 made by a maltese model community
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album created by: Valdemar
Some new masters by Alan Ball
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album created by: Valdemar
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album created by: Valdemar
41  Pictures
album created by: Valdemar
Work has begun on the catapult crews for the latest releases by GreenLine/Fredericus Rex
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album created by: Hardies
Half way the work of this, I had to replace the wood on the horses (were arrived broken so tried to fixed it)
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album created by: rudwa
Teil 3 weitere Fotos
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album created by: Valdemar
On 22 July 1361, King Valdemar IV of Denmark (Valdemar Atterdag) sent an army ashore on Gotland's west coast. The Gutes of Gotland paid taxes to the King of Sweden, though the population of Visby was ...
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album created by: Valdemar
A small set to form the centre of any Scottish Medieval army
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album created by: rudwa
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album created by: rudwa
Schlacht bei HATTIN am 04.July 1187 Saladins Truppen erobern das "wahre Kreuz Christi"
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album created by: Valdemar
During the transition form Wiking era to the medieval feudal system, these were the style of armour used
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album created by: Valdemar
During the crusades some of the parts from western Europe did have internal rivalry. This small scene shows the Danish King vs. a brother knight
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album created by: Valdemar
Here are some figures from my next painted figures... a great mix
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album created by: Valdemar
A few new figures in process, will be Knights charging...
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album created by: Valdemar
A few more Masters in Progress with Dima as sculptor
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album created by: Valdemar
Here some of the next figures being painted as Nordic knights
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album created by: Valdemar
Some work
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album created by: Valdemar
Here some samples of my continious project making a Group of Nordic warriors
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album created by: Valdemar
And a Venetian ship
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album created by: Valdemar
Work has begun on even more Russians to join the battle...
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album created by: Valdemar
Medieval duel
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album created by: Valdemar
Work has begun on two versions of the Russian Prince Alexander Nevsky
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album created by: Valdemar
Here are 3d images of the next ships
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album created by: Valdemar
Some Photos of the first horse
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album created by: rudwa
Valdemars Figur "The Hero" musste zuerst einen Drachen betrunken machen um ihn dann endgültig den Garaus zu machen, damit er seine holde Maid befreien konnte. Sämtliche Schätze und Verlockungen widers...
10  Pictures
album created by: Valdemar
Hi, We are currently working on a project trying to make a flexible 3D doll which can be used for making a base for masters
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album created by: Valdemar
Some of the Russians in my Army
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album created by: Valdemar
Part of the mounted Danish force taking part in the battle at Lake Peipus
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album created by: Valdemar
Just some Work on the Byzxantine Army
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album created by: Valdemar
Some painted ships
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album created by: Chris
Somewhere in Corsica
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album created by: Valdemar
Here are a few masters which Alan is working on for our range
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album created by: Valdemar
Hi all, Some Work by Mauritius, quite nice :)
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album created by: Valdemar
Here some new masters which we are working on...
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album created by: Valdemar
The fleet grows...
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album created by: Valdemar
Here are some of the figures that will be part of my next major project...
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album created by: rudwa
Kurz vor der Schlacht legt Fürst Alexander Newski mit seinen Unterführern auf der Erkundung die Verteidigung auf dem Ostufer des Peipusssees fest
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album created by: Valdemar
Here are some of the sets which are very close to going into production
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album created by: Valdemar
A set with a few crossbowmen combined with spearmen fighting from house to house
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album created by: Valdemar
A new Russian set in progress
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album created by: Valdemar
Masters for next Byzantine set
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album created by: Valdemar
Hi all, Just got two sets from Alex :0)
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album created by: Valdemar
Here is some recently finished Work.
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album created by: Valdemar
A Danish ship
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album created by: Valdemar
A master done by Alex... amazing
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album created by: Valdemar
Medieval Bremer Kogge model for the new range of ships
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album created by: rudwa
russische Wikinger treffen in den weiten Südrusslands an einem Flussufer auf Mongolen
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album created by: rudwa
Kreuzfahrer und Pilger auf dem Weg in die heilige Stadt, aber ohne Ortskundigen Führer ("und ohne Navy") muss man die eineimische Bevölkerung nach dem weg fragen
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album created by: rudwa
Rückkehr von einem Raubzug
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album created by: Valdemar
Hi all, Just a small set which we are working on together with Adam Ball
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album created by: Valdemar
This is the Work on a set of mounted hospitallers in battle
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album created by: Valdemar
This will most likely be a single figure set with a mounted version of Bishop Hermann von Tartu at Lake Peipus
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album created by: Valdemar
Some fun...
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album created by: Valdemar
Here is the next ship Project...
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album created by: Valdemar
Testing a new sculptor ;0)
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album created by: Valdemar
A small diorama showing King Richard
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album created by: Valdemar
The work on a small set to show what happened during the last minutes of medieval battles
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album created by: Valdemar
This will be a ship used by crusaders to land troops in the holyland. This special type of ship were designed with a focus on landing heavy cavalry due to the ramp at the front.
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album created by: Valdemar
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album created by: Valdemar
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album created by: Ben90
7  Pictures
album created by: Valdemar
Hi all, We are currently working on a medium boat for 1/72 scale figures. I will be about 12-13 cm long and can be sailed by wind or oars. Also the ship "Pilgrim" used by the Teutonic order.
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album created by: Valdemar
Work has begun on the next set of spearmen.
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album created by: Valdemar
Here you can follow the work on some painted figures which will be painted by Fernando Painting service.
82  Pictures
album created by: Valdemar
Just a Quick look at some sets which are expected to be released in June/July...
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album created by: Valdemar
I have begun work on a small group of figures consisting of spearmen...
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album created by: Snagy
Visit of the segnieur.
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album created by: Valdemar
Here some more images of painted knights
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album created by: Valdemar
A small diorama showing the moment when the Teutonic army and their allies find that they have lost...
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album created by: Valdemar
Hi all, The spearmen are now being painted and the idea is to do one big diorama with all the figures painted as danish infantry.
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album created by: Valdemar
Some of the new figures which I just started painted.
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album created by: Valdemar
Here are pictures of some of the latest masters which we are working on.
40  Pictures
album created by: Valdemar
Hi all, challenged by Paul I will try to document the size of my army :0)
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album created by: Valdemar
Hi all, Been working on this a while... hopefully some more and better images soon.
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album created by: Endstille
Found at Facebook from HonorGuard ( Castle with great painted Valdemar Miniatures
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album created by: Valdemar
Here is my attempt on the Greenline tower, actually a fantastic model and highly recommendable.
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album created by: Ben90
Diorama by Ben90
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album created by: Valdemar
Some of the latest figures to join my ranks....
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album created by: Valdemar
Here is the latest from Alex
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album created by: Andi001
69  Pictures
album created by: Valdemar
Hi all, We are currently developing on a set with 10-12 spearmen in order to be able to build a wall of spears or helbardiers
52  Pictures
album created by: Valdemar
Here you can see some of the lastest masters, we try a new sculptor and also soon first images of the investor set.
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album created by: Michigentile
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album created by: Michigentile
a pictur with people at med market
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album created by: Steve G
Bishop's Slaughter - English market town. Power base of Baron Jasper de'Ath, Family Motto: "Out of my way, peasant!" Nine times winner of King John's prestigious "Oppressor Of The Year" award.
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album created by: Valdemar
Here you can see my second attempt building a medieval kogge, this time a warship, but during rest
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album created by: Mich
Présentation de mes dioramas terminés. Toutes les photos sur mon site perso: Translation with google *** Presentation of my dioramas completed. All photos on my website: h...
65  Pictures
album created by: Valdemar
Here are the latest addition to the modular castle system. One is a medieval bell tower more then 20cm tall and a tower which have seen better days
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album created by: Valdemar
A single figure set which will be released soon
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album created by: Valdemar
Some of the old sets being painted
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album created by: Valdemar
The set is soon to be released and here you can see some painted samples...
1  picture
album created by: Valdemar
This is a small project with one of the upcoming sets. It was designed to represent the last minutes of a battle when two knights take a prisoner.
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album created by: Michigentile
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album created by: Valdemar
Here you can see the masters for the second set of medieval builders
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album created by: Valdemar
Here you can see the newest releases in August, three sets of russian cavalry...
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album created by: RayCaruana
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album created by: Valdemar
Here are the first of the next range of masters, which will be a classic 54mm diorama scaled down and some single figures as well...
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album created by: Valdemar
Some of the latest painted knights in my collection...
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album created by: Mich
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album created by: Valdemar
Just a few pictures of the medieval modular castle system, soon the damaged tower will be added and a special shaped tower as well.
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album created by: Valdemar
Here you can see the content of the medieval builders set
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album created by: Valdemar
here are some of the knights that I am working on together with an external painter :0)
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album created by: Michigentile
A scene inspired by the castle of Melfi, in the thirteenth century, the Emperor Frederick II von Hohenstaufen preparing for falconry. Mirliton 28mm figures.
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album created by: Valdemar
Here I plan to work with an expand images of my Teutonic order knights
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album created by: Michigentile
the life of every day in the courtyard of a castle of the thirteenth century
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album created by: Michigentile
a medieval cellar
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album created by: Valdemar
Well here you can follow my and hopefully others work on the 7th competition
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album created by: Valdemar
A small diorama which shows the Danish after the victory at Visby
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album created by: Valdemar
These are the masters for the set "Medieval Alarm" and the idea is to do a set which will have a tent (or two) and some figures which are going from relaxing to alert, putting on their armour, shoutin...
16  Pictures
album created by: Valdemar
I have started my work on the 5th competition and here you can see the first items, not finnished yet...
15  Pictures
album created by: Valdemar
Here are some of the masters which we hope will be part of the 2nd quarter releases
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album created by: Valdemar
Some images of the new releases
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album created by: remmchen
These are the vikings from kamar-Figuren and Alex. Great Sculping, figures with great emotions, I really love this set.
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album created by: Valdemar
Here are six masters which will be used for the next set of Byzantine infantry.
8  Pictures
album created by: Valdemar
We are making an experiment by doing a large medieval Kogge based on the \\\\\\\"Skeppen\\\\\\\" ship from Sweden. This is a combat version of the ship and if a succes the beginning of making a fleet...
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album created by: Valdemar
Here some masters for the next releases
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album created by: Hardies
I will try to make some scenery in a medievel town - city
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album created by: Valdemar
We are testing a new technology with 3D printing and here you can see the first try
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album created by: Ben90
11  Pictures
album created by: charlot
Constantinople and the Fourth Crusade (1202 to 1204) - Alexis III, born in 1153, took the throne . However, the new sovereign was not more intelligent than his brother, and the Byzantine Empire contin...
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album created by: charlot
28 December 1101, Guiseppe de Montebello is back in his village of Gardonne Val Trompia. After the success of the first crusade, he had joined the Lombardy troops brought by the Archbishop of Milan:...
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album created by: Valdemar
Here you can follow work on dioramas for the 1st small painting competition
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album created by: ThomasG
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album created by: Valdemar
During the medieval ages some of the great naval nations like Denmark did use heavy ships like the Kogge for transport during crusades. But they also used older shiptypes like the Knarr. Especially du...
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album created by: Valdemar
Here you can see the latest four releases which should be available by mid July.
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album created by: Valdemar
I am getting some more knights done and here I will upload images as they are completed.
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album created by: Valdemar
Here are some pictures of some new masters which we are working on
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album created by: Jager
Some where around europe 1300s
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album created by: Leonid Kireev
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album created by: Valdemar
Just a few more painted crusaders from my collection
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album created by: Valdemar
This is the King miniature painted by a collector...
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album created by: Nappo
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album created by: Valdemar
A small diorama made with Valdemar Miniatures.
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album created by: Jager
Here is my Frensh knight 1500's from miniart 1:16 painted with oil's and weathered with pastels.. But a while ago Second my english knight from Miniart 1/16 series The kits is plastic and whit same ...
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album created by: Paul´s Bods
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album created by: Chris
13  Pictures
album created by: Valdemar
Have been spending a few hours painting some Teutonic knights after a battle.
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album created by: Duguesclin
Templar's Commandry. Small castle with high walls built on a mountain. Rare was the ennemy who wants to attack these places because templars knights were very good soldiers.
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album created by: Duguesclin
Another big castle with possibility to separate in two. Several opening parts with figures or accessories. About 200 hours of work during Winter in 2009.
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album created by: Steven
Maybe some inpiration for you?
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album created by: Duguesclin
A big castle built in two parts inside. The entrance has a little drawbridge. Base is made with fake rocks and there is some grass around.
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album created by: Duguesclin
Model scale of medieval castle at 1/72
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album created by: Valdemar
This folder will hold pictures of not finished work
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album created by: Valdemar
Some more painted knights from my collection, these with finished bases
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album created by: Valdemar
Here some posts of different siegemachines from different manufacturers
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album created by: Valdemar
Some painted Valdemar figures from my own collection, some of them are conversions.
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album created by: Valdemar
During the medieval period the Danish Nation was a super power and we did fight many battles far from home. Some were fought in Eastern Europe, some in Britain and some in France and germany. But our ...
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album created by: ignace
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album created by: Jan Paul
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album created by: ignace
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album created by: Valdemar
Here you can see some of the work by Yarik, Moscow
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album created by: Steven
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album created by: Steven
A small dio with house and valdemars blacksmiths, I love them
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album created by: Dobromir
Richard The Third
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album created by: Valdemar
Here are some of my own painted dismounted knights. Photos are made with iPhone ;0)
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album created by: Michel
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album created by: Valdemar
Please have a look at some of the figures painted by Thomas
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album created by: Valdemar
Hi all, Please have a look at some of the masters for the upcoming set representing a medieval treasurer and his personal escort
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album created by: Valdemar
Some of the work done by Jakub M.
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album created by: Valdemar
Some of Thomas work
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album created by: Valdemar
Pictures from Mich Dioramas
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album created by: Valdemar
In this gallery some of the new masters for the VM-range will be shown.
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album created by: Valdemar
In this gallery I will upload images which have been used for inspiration for future projects.
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album created by: Valdemar
Some of the work from Malta.
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album created by: Valdemar
Some of the old work from Bruno.
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album created by: Valdemar
Please enjoy the amazing work by Simon Modrow
6  Pictures
album created by: Valdemar
Some images of knights
4  Pictures

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