
1/72e - Les assassins... - The assassins ...

in Gallery and comments Wed Sep 26, 2012 4:37 pm
by Mich • 462 Posts

Selon Isabelle Baudron, les relations entre les Templiers et les ismaéliens d'Alamût sont attestées dans la chronique de Jean de Joinville, biographe de Saint Louis. L'auteur rapporte la visite du Vieux de la Montagne, chef des nizâriens, à Acre. Il est alors reçu par le roi Louis IX. Au-delà de cette rencontre, il y a un échange de cadeaux entre les deux souverains, rendu possible par un frère prêcheur breton qui parlait l'arabe. Plusieurs fois, les nizâriens ont rendu visite aux croisés à Acre et notamment aux Hospitaliers.

Ce petite dioramas représente une "mission" des assassins lors des grandes croisades.
Les bâtiments et accessoires proviennent de chez Green-Line et les figurines de chez ValdemarMiniatures
Socle de 25cm de large sur 29cm de profondeur...

Translation with google ***
According to Isabelle Baudron, relations between the Templars and the Ismailis of Alamut are attested in the chronicle of Jean de Joinville, biographer of Saint Louis. The author reports a visit to the Old Man of the Mountain, Chief nizâriens in Acre. It is then received by King Louis IX. Beyond this meeting, there is an exchange of gifts between the two sovereigns, made ​​possible by a brother preacher who spoke Arabic Breton. Many times, nizâriens visited the Crusaders in Acre, including the Hospitallers.

This is a small dioramas "mission" of assassins at major crusades.
Buildings and accessories come from Green-Line and figurines in ValdemarMiniatures
Base 25cm wide, 29cm deep ...

Mich, le côté obscure de la miniature...
Mon site perso:

Mail: mich@michdioramas.com
mobile: +41 79 357 14 77

Last edited Wed Sep 26, 2012 4:39 pm | Scroll up


RE: 1/72e - Les assassins... - The assassins ...

in Gallery and comments Wed Sep 26, 2012 6:13 pm
by Valdemar • 2.175 Posts

Yes the assassins are coming and it looks like that they already did take of the city gate. I look forward to see what you come up with in this diorama, but guess there will be several dead guards lying around when you are done

Best regards


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RE: 1/72e - Les assassins... - The assassins ...

in Gallery and comments Thu Sep 27, 2012 4:33 pm
by Mich • 462 Posts

Mise en peinture de la porte et préparation du décors...
Présentation de l'avant plan du dioramas en positionnant les éléments qui vont permettre de fire vivre le dioramas.
Il faut juste ce rendre compte que les assassins vont pénétrer par la porte de manière discrète, et prendre au dépourvu les troupes stationnées dans la forteresse.
Il n'était pas rare que des tentes étaient montées pour héberger les troupes en campagne dans les forteresses.
La suite prochainement...

Translation with google ***
Painting of the door and preparing decorations ...
Presentation of the preliminary plan of dioramas positioning elements that will allow live fire dioramas.
You just realize that it will penetrate the assassins through the door in a discreet manner, and take by surprise the troops stationed in the fortress.
It was not uncommon for tents were set up to house the troops in the field in the fortresses.
Following soon ...

Mich, le côté obscure de la miniature...
Mon site perso:

Mail: mich@michdioramas.com
mobile: +41 79 357 14 77

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RE: 1/72e - Les assassins... - The assassins ...

in Gallery and comments Fri Sep 28, 2012 6:31 pm
by Valdemar • 2.175 Posts

Looks amazing so far, really like your way of building up the diaoramas by using different angles of the setup... will looks forward to seeing some assassins at work!

Best regards


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RE: 1/72e - Les assassins... - The assassins ...

in Gallery and comments Sat Sep 29, 2012 6:51 am
by Mich • 462 Posts

Mise en peinture du décors.
Il reste quelques ajustements par ci par là en fonction de la mise en place des figurines.
La suite... Mise en peinture des figurines et peuplement du dioramas...
Toutes les photos sur mon site perso

Translation with google ***
Painting the scenery.
There are a few adjustments here and there based on the implementation of figurines.
More ... Painting of figures and dioramas of the population ...
All photos on my website

Mich, le côté obscure de la miniature...
Mon site perso:

Mail: mich@michdioramas.com
mobile: +41 79 357 14 77

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RE: 1/72e - Les assassins... - The assassins ...

in Gallery and comments Mon Oct 01, 2012 1:08 pm
by Valdemar • 2.175 Posts

Hi Mich,

Fantastic work! I really like the way that you use simple objects to get this life like setting into your dioramas.
It is almost a diorama already, but would like to see more

Best regards


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RE: 1/72e - Les assassins... - The assassins ...

in Gallery and comments Mon Oct 01, 2012 7:28 pm
by Mich • 462 Posts

Mise en peinture et mise en place des 12 assassins...
Toutes les photos sur mon site perso sous http://www.michdioramas.com
La suite prochainement...

Translation with google ***
Painting and implementation of the 12 assassins ...
All photos on my website under http://www.michdioramas.com
Following soon ...

Mich, le côté obscure de la miniature...
Mon site perso:

Mail: mich@michdioramas.com
mobile: +41 79 357 14 77

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RE: 1/72e - Les assassins... - The assassins ...

in Gallery and comments Mon Oct 01, 2012 8:30 pm
by toma • 251 Posts

Very nicly done. I like it.

My blog:

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RE: 1/72e - Les assassins... - The assassins ...

in Gallery and comments Tue Oct 02, 2012 8:51 am
by Valdemar • 2.175 Posts

Really nice indeed, but I do miss the dead city guard or guards

Best regards


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RE: 1/72e - Les assassins... - The assassins ...

in Gallery and comments Tue Oct 02, 2012 10:57 am
by Mich • 462 Posts

Take it easy ... :)
The dioramas is not finished ...
There is more than fifteen figurines to add several changes and ...

Mich, le côté obscure de la miniature...
Mon site perso:

Mail: mich@michdioramas.com
mobile: +41 79 357 14 77

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RE: 1/72e - Les assassins... - The assassins ...

in Gallery and comments Tue Oct 02, 2012 6:37 pm
by Mich • 462 Posts

Mise en peinture de la tour et de 3 soldats morts...
Toutes les photos sur mon site perso sous http://www.michdioramas.com
La suite prochainement...

Translation with google ***
Painting of the tower and three soldiers dead ...
All photos on my website under http://www.michdioramas.com
Following soon ...

Mich, le côté obscure de la miniature...
Mon site perso:

Mail: mich@michdioramas.com
mobile: +41 79 357 14 77

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RE: 1/72e - Les assassins... - The assassins ...

in Gallery and comments Tue Oct 02, 2012 6:40 pm
by Michigentile • 202 Posts

love this work!!!

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RE: 1/72e - Les assassins... - The assassins ...

in Gallery and comments Tue Oct 02, 2012 9:01 pm
by Ben90 • 430 Posts

Great... you have created a very nice atmosphere

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RE: 1/72e - Les assassins... - The assassins ...

in Gallery and comments Fri Oct 05, 2012 10:41 pm
by Mich • 462 Posts

Mise en place de la troupe et de petites anecdotes ...
Plus de 29 figurines et un cheval...
Toutes les photos sur mon site perso: http://www.michdioramas.com

Translation with google ***
Implementation of the company and anecdotes ...
More than 29 figures and a horse ...
All photos on my website: http://www.michdioramas.com

Mich, le côté obscure de la miniature...
Mon site perso:

Mail: mich@michdioramas.com
mobile: +41 79 357 14 77

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RE: 1/72e - Les assassins... - The assassins ...

in Gallery and comments Sat Oct 06, 2012 6:57 pm
by Paul´s Bods • 1.314 Posts

Brilliant!!! Those poor knights do not know what is about to happen..

Last edited Sat Oct 06, 2012 6:57 pm | Scroll up

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