
1/72e: La taverne - the tavern

in Gallery and comments Tue Oct 25, 2011 4:24 pm
by Mich • 462 Posts

Mise en route d'un petit dioramas civil du moyen âge.
Toutes les figurines proviennent de chez ValdemarMiniatures.
Elles font parties d'un nouveau lot qui va être disponible sur http://www.fredericus-rex.de/ très prochainement...
Une qualité au top du top...

Petite historique du dioramas:
Les affaires ne sont plus ce qu’elles étaient pour les taverniers durant la Guerre de Cent ans. Le bon vin a disparu depuis longtemps. La picrate qu'on y sert est imbuvable et hors de prix et chacun sait que cette fripouille de tavernier la coupe avec de l’eau. On se rabat du coup sur la cervoise, que l’on brasse soi-même mais elle est aussi taxée que le vin. Dans les centaines de tavernes puantes, enfumées et graisseuses, l’heure n’est plus à la joie comme au temps des grands rois capétiens. On ne parle, ni ne chante, encore moins se confie. Les espions sont partout. Il y a d’abord ceux des Anglais et de leurs alliés Bourguignons, et puis ceux des Armagnacs. Et quand la bagarre éclate, les morts d'hommes ne sont pas rares.

Et les premières photos du décors composé de carton plume et de balza...

Translation with Google ***
Start a small dioramas civil Middle Ages.
All figures are obtained from ValdemarMiniatures.
They are part of a new batch will be available shortly http://www.fredericus-rex.de/ very soon ...
A top quality at the top ...

Little history of dioramas:
The cases are not what they were for the tavern during the Hundred Years War. The wine is long gone. The picrate that it is undrinkable and is expensive and everyone knows that this rogue landlord of the cup with water. We flip the shot on the ale, which is stirred itself but it is also taxed as wine. In hundreds of taverns stinky, smoky, greasy, is not the time to joy as in the days of the great Capetian kings. We do not talk nor sing, let alone trusts. Spies are everywhere. First, there are those of the English and their allies the Burgundians, and then those of the Armagnacs. And when the fight broke out, the dead men are not uncommon.

And the first pictures of the scenery made ​​up of foam board and Balza ...

Mich, le côté obscure de la miniature...
Mon site perso:

Mail: mich@michdioramas.com
mobile: +41 79 357 14 77

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RE: 1/72e: La taverne - the tavern

in Gallery and comments Tue Oct 25, 2011 4:50 pm
by Paul´s Bods • 1.314 Posts

That will make a wondefull scene

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RE: 1/72e: La taverne - the tavern

in Gallery and comments Wed Oct 26, 2011 7:13 pm
by Mich • 462 Posts

Mise en scène d'une partie du mobilier, ajout de différentes armoiries et couleurs de l'Ordre du Temple.
... Et les 3 premières figurines trouvent leurs places....

Translation with Google ***
Directed by some of the furniture, adding different colors and coat of arms of the Order of the Temple.
... And the first 3 figures find their places ....

Mich, le côté obscure de la miniature...
Mon site perso:

Mail: mich@michdioramas.com
mobile: +41 79 357 14 77

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RE: 1/72e: La taverne - the tavern

in Gallery and comments Wed Oct 26, 2011 9:29 pm
by Valdemar • 2.175 Posts

This will be great!

Best regards


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RE: 1/72e: La taverne - the tavern

in Gallery and comments Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:12 pm
by Endstille • 119 Posts

And why didn't we have this wonderful most wanted set in Germany until now? Conny? Jens?

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RE: 1/72e: La taverne - the tavern

in Gallery and comments Thu Oct 27, 2011 7:16 am
by Valdemar • 2.175 Posts

It is in production, but some of those who take part in the painting competitions got some samples of testshots :0)

Best regards


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RE: 1/72e: La taverne - the tavern

in Gallery and comments Thu Oct 27, 2011 2:08 pm
by conny • 238 Posts

in the end of next week the figures are casted.

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RE: 1/72e: La taverne - the tavern

in Gallery and comments Sun Oct 30, 2011 8:44 am
by Mich • 462 Posts

Rien que pour les yeux... Photos un peu floues ...
Il me reste 6 ou 7 figurines à faire et positionner...

Translation with Google ***
Just for your eyes ... Pictures a little blurry ...
I still have 6 or 7 figures to do and set ...

Mich, le côté obscure de la miniature...
Mon site perso:

Mail: mich@michdioramas.com
mobile: +41 79 357 14 77

Last edited Sun Oct 30, 2011 8:48 am | Scroll up


RE: 1/72e: La taverne - the tavern

in Gallery and comments Sun Oct 30, 2011 8:52 am
by SamSagace • 289 Posts

Beau travail!! J'aime beaucoup!

Beautiful work! I like much!

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RE: 1/72e: La taverne - the tavern

in Gallery and comments Sun Oct 30, 2011 1:04 pm
by Endstille • 119 Posts

wonderful dio ... I love it!

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RE: 1/72e: La taverne - the tavern

in Gallery and comments Sun Oct 30, 2011 2:03 pm
by Ben90 • 430 Posts

That´s great! I like the dirty look of the white clothes!

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RE: 1/72e: La taverne - the tavern

in Gallery and comments Sun Oct 30, 2011 4:07 pm
by Mich • 462 Posts

Les dernières photos de mon nouveau dioramas.
Une saynète comprenant plus de 27 figurines !!!
Le moyen âge dans toute sa splendeur grâce à... ValdemarMiniatures
Le 1/72e a de belles années devant lui avec une telle qualité !
Toutes les photos sur mon site personnel...

Translation with Google ***
The last pictures of my new dioramas.
A sketch of more than 27 figurines!
The Middle Ages in all its glory with ... ValdemarMiniatures
The 1/72th has good years ahead of him with such quality !
All photos on my website ...

Mich, le côté obscure de la miniature...
Mon site perso:

Mail: mich@michdioramas.com
mobile: +41 79 357 14 77

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RE: 1/72e: La taverne - the tavern

in Gallery and comments Sun Oct 30, 2011 4:27 pm
by Ben90 • 430 Posts

WOW!!! Everything is just perfect

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RE: 1/72e: La taverne - the tavern

in Gallery and comments Sun Oct 30, 2011 5:35 pm
by Mich • 462 Posts

Tank you !

Mich, le côté obscure de la miniature...
Mon site perso:

Mail: mich@michdioramas.com
mobile: +41 79 357 14 77

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RE: 1/72e: La taverne - the tavern

in Gallery and comments Sun Oct 30, 2011 7:40 pm
by RayCaruana • 241 Posts

Absolutely beautiful Mich. Well done


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