
RE: Wanderers, travelers, pilgrims ...

in What are you working on? Wed Oct 05, 2011 1:57 pm
by Valdemar • 2.175 Posts

And what a final, he is superb! Looks like a knight who is actually leading this small group.

Best regards


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RE: Wanderers, travelers, pilgrims ...

in What are you working on? Wed Oct 05, 2011 4:51 pm
by Paul´s Bods • 1.314 Posts

Brilliant!!!! and yes ...add the man with the dog...I think I recognise him from somewhere....the name I cannot think of...begins with...er??? "G"..but also "S" sometimes ??

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RE: Wanderers, travelers, pilgrims ...

in What are you working on? Thu Oct 06, 2011 2:32 pm
by susofrick • 113 Posts

Hmm, that dog seems very familiar. :-D But the man? Nah, I've heard that he's shaved off his beard. :-D

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RE: Wanderers, travelers, pilgrims ...

in What are you working on? Thu Oct 06, 2011 4:01 pm
by Paul´s Bods • 1.314 Posts

Zitat von susofrick
Hmm, that dog seems very familiar. :-D But the man? Nah, I've heard that he's shaved off his beard. :-D

Heard or seen ?

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RE: Wanderers, travelers, pilgrims ...

in What are you working on? Thu Oct 06, 2011 4:06 pm
by susofrick • 113 Posts

Actually feeling it right now. A little stubby, but shaved. :-D

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RE: Wanderers, travelers, pilgrims ...

in What are you working on? Thu Oct 06, 2011 5:11 pm
by Paul´s Bods • 1.314 Posts

Zitat von susofrick
Actually feeling it right now. A little stubby, but shaved. :-D

What..you shaved the dog!!?

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RE: Wanderers, travelers, pilgrims ...

in What are you working on? Thu Oct 06, 2011 5:20 pm
by susofrick • 113 Posts

Ooops! I knew it didn't feel right.

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RE: Wanderers, travelers, pilgrims ...

in What are you working on? Thu Oct 06, 2011 9:39 pm
by Paul´s Bods • 1.314 Posts

Zitat von susofrick
Ooops! I knew it didn't feel right.

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RE: Wanderers, travelers, pilgrims ...

in What are you working on? Thu Oct 06, 2011 10:24 pm
by SamSagace • 289 Posts

Well, the man with the dog??? nice dog!
The man??? hum... not sure that I like to meet him in a dark street at midnight.... but perhaps he's more kind that he appear!

Seriously: in the Pilgrim set???
not sure.... he don't look like a pilgrim: more like a man wandering with his nice dog ....
(don't see that the dog is shaved?????????looks very normal!
Paul and Gunnar: you're totally a little crazy!)

Alex: the last one is my preferred one

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RE: Wanderers, travelers, pilgrims ...

in What are you working on? Tue Oct 25, 2011 3:21 pm
by susofrick • 113 Posts

Maybe the guy with a dog can inspect troops at a castle? Have to agree with Pascal that he maybe don't fit in the pilgrim set (but if it is a wanderer set he can fit pretty well).

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RE: Wanderers, travelers, pilgrims ...

in What are you working on? Thu Oct 27, 2011 1:46 pm
by Carlos Elias • 51 Posts

I think that apart for obvious hunter scene I think that this figure can be used in a more "courtesain" scene a king or noble with a meeting with is followers around a table eating , drinking etc around or near all servants:dwarfs, jokers, falconier.... and dogs , but you need no only a dog, but a lot of them in diferent actitude.
This party can be afther a hunting party,with the unfortunate animals near....
my two cents...

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RE: Wanderers, travelers, pilgrims ...

in What are you working on? Thu Oct 27, 2011 2:05 pm
by susofrick • 113 Posts

That's a really good idea!

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RE: Wanderers, travelers, pilgrims ...

in What are you working on? Thu Jan 12, 2012 4:39 pm
by susofrick • 113 Posts

When will the pilgrim set be available?

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RE: Wanderers, travelers, pilgrims ...

in What are you working on? Sat Jan 14, 2012 5:13 pm
by alex • 400 Posts

Well the first step has been taken. They are produced in small amounts of Resin. Now I think they are made of white metal ...

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