
RE: plastic, metal or resin

in New masters and miniature news from all manufacturers Thu Nov 18, 2010 9:05 pm
by Valdemar • 2.175 Posts

Well for a set like Teutonic Knights, Russian Knights or similar the traditional plastic sets are great to make the bulk of the army the metal resin sets can then be used for the special knights, command etc.

Best regards


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RE: plastic, metal or resin

in New masters and miniature news from all manufacturers Mon Nov 29, 2010 11:39 am
by Michel

Every Time Resin!!!!!!

Much more sharp lines und much better Details then Metal...!!!!!!!!!!!

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RE: plastic, metal or resin

in New masters and miniature news from all manufacturers Tue Nov 30, 2010 4:36 pm
by Steven • 267 Posts

well this is an good argument in my eyes...

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RE: plastic, metal or resin

in New masters and miniature news from all manufacturers Tue Nov 30, 2010 6:20 pm
by Mich • 462 Posts

Personally, I would say that would make the resin parts because of the delicacy and quality of engraving. This choice should attract to buy the figurine ValdemarMiniatures range. I can tell you there are many who are interested because I keep showing my dioramas.

For information, those who want to see my achievements, they can go on http://www.michdioramas.com and receive information about new achievements, you must register for the newsletter simply ...

En français ****
Personnellement, je dirai qu'il faudrait faire les pièces en résine à cause de la finesse et de la qualité de la gravure. Ce choix devrait attirer les figurinistes à acheter la gamme ValdemarMiniatures. Je peux vous dire qu'il y en a beaucoup qui sont intéressés car je n'arrête pas de montrer mes dioramas.

Pour information, ceux qui veulent voir mes réalisations, ils peuvent aller sur http://www.michdioramas.com et pour recevoir des informations sur les nouvelles réalisations, il faut s'inscrire à la newsletter tout simplement...

Mich, le côté obscure de la miniature...
Mon site perso:

Mail: mich@michdioramas.com
mobile: +41 79 357 14 77

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RE: plastic, metal or resin

in New masters and miniature news from all manufacturers Fri Dec 03, 2010 12:03 am
by Valdemar • 2.175 Posts

Well I agree that the grey resin/plastic looks great, problem is still that often 25% of the production needs to be destroyed due to damage, and eventually this will turn into a 25% price raise... Considering this I just love the metal

Best regards


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RE: plastic, metal or resin

in New masters and miniature news from all manufacturers Fri Dec 03, 2010 1:10 pm
by Steven • 267 Posts

well sell the 25% as 2nd hand for use as victims or bodyparts if someone want to change some figures? I would need more debrish for the battlefield like weapons, helmets, maybe bodyparts... yes I know, it was a hard time. ;-)

So you could make some small money out of the "not usable" production

for me, I would take some

(btw. yesterday to postman brought some valdemar box again. But it wasn't adressed to me. My wife ordered it, so I guess I know my christmas present *g*)

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RE: plastic, metal or resin

in New masters and miniature news from all manufacturers Fri Dec 03, 2010 8:25 pm
by Ben90 • 430 Posts

What could be better than some miniatures under the cristmas tree? I think the idea with the less-quality parts is great, but it´s hard to make a fair price for it because some figs are more usable than others that are more broken...

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RE: plastic, metal or resin

in New masters and miniature news from all manufacturers Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:40 pm
by ColeF • 158 Posts

Sounds good to me...

Current WIP:
Valdemar Teutonic army on the march

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RE: plastic, metal or resin

in New masters and miniature news from all manufacturers Sun Dec 12, 2010 11:03 am
by Paul´s Bods • 1.314 Posts

Resin....the detail is better.

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RE: plastic, metal or resin

in New masters and miniature news from all manufacturers Mon Dec 13, 2010 5:37 pm
by peter • 13 Posts

I also choose for the resin figures. Most of the problems I had was with unbasing the metal figures. My first post here, hold the line, the figure lost his left foot while I was unbasing him.

No bases needed.

Greetings Peter

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RE: plastic, metal or resin

in New masters and miniature news from all manufacturers Mon Dec 13, 2010 6:43 pm
by ignace • 120 Posts

My preferences goes to metal figures rather than to resin. Resin is beter in detail but breaks too easily. Metal has the ability that it allows figures to be bent and twisted in order to adjust the poses, to some extend at least. I prefer based figures even when this is, sometimes, more complicated when you want to use them in a diorama and unbasing is needed.

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RE: plastic, metal or resin

in New masters and miniature news from all manufacturers Tue Dec 21, 2010 9:59 pm
by Valdemar • 2.175 Posts

Well as the metal casting is getting better all the time I prefer this as well. Best material would be resin with just a little flexibility I think, problem is that it should be produced close by as metal or the price will go up. Just visited the local hobby shop today and they sold 1/72 scale metal Napoleon figures crafted and casted in Denmark for 10 euro a piece...

Best regards


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RE: plastic, metal or resin

in New masters and miniature news from all manufacturers Tue Dec 21, 2010 10:04 pm
by Ben90 • 430 Posts

I love metal... the weight of the figures is cool and there is enough detail!

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RE: plastic, metal or resin

in New masters and miniature news from all manufacturers Wed Dec 22, 2010 6:21 pm
by Jager • 178 Posts

Sounds like a hard call and even!
I say stick whit both, if you want to make a good set whit high detail and be sure of producing a good amount of set.
Then use metal. If you make a King, princess, heroes or a knight that will draw attention in a diorama use the Resin.

On the weapon's i dont know the metal bend easy.
And easy to see thick, you cant change that easy.
Though Plastic and Resin sound good
Therefore you can trim it down, and easier to give battle damage!

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RE: plastic, metal or resin

in New masters and miniature news from all manufacturers Wed Dec 22, 2010 8:25 pm
by Jager • 178 Posts

After receiving my first kit from Valdemar
And a close inspection
I would choice the Resin/plastic the detail is just more sharper.

And about the weapon looking thick i take it back

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