
Master, Mounted crusader kicking Russian Warrior

in New masters and miniature news from all manufacturers Mon Nov 15, 2010 9:24 am
by Valdemar • 2.175 Posts

Hi all,

This is one of the masters for the next Battleset and shows a mounted crusader kicking a Russian Warrior as he charges. What do you think?

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RE: Master, Mounted crusader kicking Russian Warrior

in New masters and miniature news from all manufacturers Mon Nov 15, 2010 6:29 pm
by Ben90 • 430 Posts

Absolutely great idea and well done!!!

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RE: Master, Mounted crusader kicking Russian Warrior

in New masters and miniature news from all manufacturers Mon Nov 15, 2010 9:35 pm
by alex • 400 Posts

I do not like. But not because I'm Russian. Apparel foot soldier is good - it means an experienced warrior. And to let a blow to the chest must be drunk. Or recruits. In the melee there are all sorts of randomness, but stories told by Dmitri - (you can see) very strange ...

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RE: Master, Mounted crusader kicking Russian Warrior

in New masters and miniature news from all manufacturers Mon Nov 15, 2010 9:42 pm
by Valdemar • 2.175 Posts

Well I agree that a professional infantryman would have knelt down, covered himself with the shield and used his spear as pike. But when the heavy cavalry did push through and did make a hole in the enemy lines, then situations like this could occur. Just imagine that this Russian have been in hand to hand combat with another Russian and then he hears the horse and turns around...

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RE: Master, Mounted crusader kicking Russian Warrior

in New masters and miniature news from all manufacturers Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:18 pm
by Andreas • 185 Posts

I like the little scene and can imagine situations make thit possible , like said an attack from the Flanks maybe ....
but i don´t understand why he is kicking ? in a fight i would try to kill the enemy with the Lance , a Kick maybe doesn´t hurt him much .

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RE: Master, Mounted crusader kicking Russian Warrior

in New masters and miniature news from all manufacturers Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:36 pm
by Valdemar • 2.175 Posts

Well if the banner he carries is the standard of the teutonic order with the virgin Mary, then for sure he can not use it, as they were not alowed to lower the banner at any point. So he can use the horse or his legs

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RE: Master, Mounted crusader kicking Russian Warrior

in New masters and miniature news from all manufacturers Tue Nov 16, 2010 7:15 pm
by ignace • 120 Posts

I like the russian warrior being run over or killed by the lance of a crusader charging. If the figures are made of metal, I just have to adjust the leg of the crusader and I have a nice figure carrying a standard into battle.

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RE: Master, Mounted crusader kicking Russian Warrior

in New masters and miniature news from all manufacturers Tue Nov 16, 2010 7:19 pm
by Ben90 • 430 Posts

Or maybe the crusader is surrounded by enemies, so he hasn´t enough time to strike everybody down with his weapons and must kick some of them away... So I think it is no problem that he´s kicking the enemy instead of using a waepon.

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RE: Master, Mounted crusader kicking Russian Warrior

in New masters and miniature news from all manufacturers Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:44 am
by Valdemar • 2.175 Posts

Well there are many situations where this may or may not have happened... for me the most important is that this small scene is very dynamic and lifelike, just imagine when painted and based

Best regards


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