

in Gallery and comments Wed Apr 27, 2011 3:22 pm
by SamSagace • 289 Posts

happy to show you one of my first painted Valdemar's miniature... not perfect, I know, but I'm a beginner, so be indulgent !!

a real pleasure painting those marvellous figs, but maybe because it's an "old" one, the face was quite difficult: details was not really precise, so I did my best for doing something "acceptable"!!

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in Gallery and comments Wed Apr 27, 2011 7:06 pm
by alex • 400 Posts

I really like it! face of the knight's a little strange ... but it refers to the sculpture. And paint and landscape are very good!

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in Gallery and comments Thu Apr 28, 2011 12:01 am
by SamSagace • 289 Posts

Zitat von alex
I really like it! face of the knight's a little strange ... but it refers to the sculpture.

Thanks Alex!
for the face, hum.... I don't know if it's a problem of sculpture (you made it?) or the mould (metal), but when I painted the first coat, the face looks like a crane!!! I did what I could (not much with my little practice!) to give it an acceptable aspect!

And paint and landscape are very good!

....... I had some very good teachers on Benno's!
The landscape is made with only natural material that I found in the garden, but the tree is not very good....

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in Gallery and comments Mon May 16, 2011 5:12 pm
by Paul´s Bods • 1.314 Posts

Looks good pascal
The metal figs seem to loose detail which the resin ones don´t....mold shrinkage???

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in Gallery and comments Fri May 20, 2011 1:04 pm
by SamSagace • 289 Posts

Zitat von Paul´s Bods
Looks good pascal
The metal figs seem to loose detail which the resin ones don´t....mould shrinkage???

thanks Paul!!!
I think that I must work a little on this knight! shading, shield...
Don't know for the mould.... I'm a little bit dubious about metal vs resin!!
Metal is robust but details are less visible and resin is really breakable!
For both it's really difficult to make a hand's hole for the weapons....
(I've 2 resin sets of the Smithy and I don't have a complete set in good condition!!!
and I don't tell you about the "Hunt Party"!!!)
Nevertheless, I like this VP's figure !

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