
RE: Plague

in What are you working on? Sat May 28, 2011 7:53 pm
by Paul´s Bods • 1.314 Posts

The wheels look fine...they don´t have to be 100% anyway, not for a plague cart..(I would imagine)
A very nice set..i hope they come out...I can always use a few more civilians..whatever they are doing
The houses look very good as well ...are they scratch builds???

Last edited Sat May 28, 2011 7:54 pm | Scroll up


RE: Plague

in What are you working on? Sun May 29, 2011 12:28 am
by Andreas • 185 Posts

Yes the Cart should look old , but if , it has to look like the sculptor want´s it to look old .
The Houses are scratchbuild . I will do one more without Roof . I want to show a room with a sick man , the doctor and the Family .
The Diorama needs more People , i´m dealing with Fredericus Rex Pillory Set and some Valdemars of course .

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RE: Plague

in What are you working on? Sun May 29, 2011 1:00 pm
by Jager • 178 Posts

woow it looks superb, wy did you do the set again? and identical

Nolites te bastardes carborundorum

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RE: Plague

in What are you working on? Sun May 29, 2011 3:01 pm
by Andreas • 185 Posts

It´s not the same Set again , some Poses are different . I did it again to do it better and easier to cast .
These are more detailed than the older ones , i´m still learning .

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RE: Plague

in What are you working on? Fri Feb 24, 2012 4:26 pm
by Michigentile • 202 Posts

Really a lot of compliments for this wonderful work of Andreas. An attractive idea put into practice with great skill.

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RE: Plague

in What are you working on? Fri Feb 24, 2012 8:19 pm
by Steffmon • 9 Posts

It's gonna be a really catching dio! Fantastic work. :)

My favourite miniature is the plague doctor, maybe you could add a small bell to the wagon, if you want?
So the people could prepare for it and get out the bodies.

Best regards and my compliments,

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RE: Plague

in What are you working on? Mon Feb 27, 2012 9:16 pm
by Valdemar • 2.175 Posts

Really nice sculpturing and I hope that you will decide to cast these and offer to collectors?

Best regards


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RE: Plague

in What are you working on? Tue Feb 28, 2012 6:04 pm
by Michigentile • 202 Posts

Congratulations again for your work and hope to find soon ............ your miniatures for sale. Hello

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RE: Plague

in What are you working on? Thu Mar 08, 2012 10:32 am
by Andreas • 185 Posts

Sorry that i didn´t answer the Question yet . It´s not because i don´t want to , but in a german Forum i get serious Trouble as i did answer it .

Read the whole story soon on my Blog .
Anybody who says i lie or this is fantasy or anything like this has to proof it . Not just say so ...
I can proof all i will say .

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RE: Plague

in What are you working on? Thu Mar 08, 2012 12:55 pm
by conny • 238 Posts

Hello Andreas,
because you have spread in the German forum lies about me. For this reason, are frozen there. I'm giving you some good advice, let the matter rest.

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RE: Plague

in What are you working on? Thu Mar 08, 2012 1:31 pm
by Andreas • 185 Posts

i just answered the Question .

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RE: Plague

in What are you working on? Thu Mar 08, 2012 6:51 pm
by Andreas • 185 Posts

" because you have spread in the German forum lies about me. For this reason, are frozen there. "
Who said i did spread lies about you and what was i frozen for ?

I absolutly disagree that . I did not lie
The Moderator couldn´t judge who is right and he had frozen me to avoid Trouble in the Forum .

I guess this has to end here .
Who says i lie has to proof .

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RE: Plague

in What are you working on? Sun Oct 07, 2012 11:08 am
by Andreas • 185 Posts

Quote: conny wrote in post #40
Hello Andreas,
because you have spread in the German forum lies about me. For this reason, are frozen there. I'm giving you some good advice, let the matter rest.

I can´t see any Relation to Conny nor i have mentioned his Name or the Name of the Forum .
It was my Attempt to avoid further Questions here on the Valdemarforum , i don´t know why Conny accuses me .
It´s still unproofed . Lawyer involved .

Man lasse sich nicht durch Autorität imponieren ,durch allgemeine Übereinstimmung bedrängen und durch Mode hinreißen .

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RE: Plague

in What are you working on? Sun Oct 07, 2012 11:17 am
by Mich • 462 Posts

Il est temps pour chacun de se mettre à faire des figurines et arrêter de régler des comptes sur les forums.
Vous ne donnez pas une belle image de notre hobby.
Merci à ceux qui nous font partager leurs travaux, chacun à leur niveau.
Aux autres... trouvez une activité ou un hobby plus intelligent
A bon entendeur... Salut...

Translation with google ***
It is time for everyone to get to figurines and stop settling accounts on the forums.
You do not give a good image of our hobby.
Thank you to those who share with us their work at their respective levels.
Other ... find an activity or hobby smarter
A word ... Hi ...

Mich, le côté obscure de la miniature...
Mon site perso:

Mail: mich@michdioramas.com
mobile: +41 79 357 14 77

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RE: Plague

in What are you working on? Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:10 pm
by Valdemar • 2.175 Posts

Talk nice, if not the thread will be removed.

Remember: "Its nice to be imporatnt but more important to be nice"

Best regards


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